Verhelst Group talks about the installation of buffer basins at the Essers site in Zeebrugge
At ecobeton water technologies we asked Brecht of the Verhelst Group, who works at the Essers site in Zeebrugge, about his experience with our services.
At ecobeton water technologies we asked Brecht of the Verhelst Group, who works at the Essers site in Zeebrugge, about his experience with our services.
Michiel Carpentier, site manager at Stadsbader, responsible for Port of Antwerp’s Reconversion site, expressed his appreciation for ecobeton water technologies. He emphasized that orders were
We are grateful for the kind words we received from a satisfied customer after our technician Shamsher Singh carried out maintenance on her IBA. “I
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T: 011/68.00.92
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T: 04/252.88.28
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8500 Kortrijk
T: 056/23.07.19
Rue du marché couvert 9
5590 Ciney
T : 04/252.88.28